Not once in all of the years that JumpBunch has been offering sports and fitness classes for kids has there ever been a case where a child didn't want to play. They might have been shy at first or otherwise reluctant to "jump" right in, but the desire to do so was certainly there. Right now, I am thankful that we can look through the eyes of a child and be reminded as adults that play is a natural part of us all, and it is only with age that we start to choose not to make it part of our lives.
A Child's View...Something To Be Thankful For
Nov 21, 2019 1:20:37 PM / by JumpBunch posted in Family Fitness, Physical Education, kids and activity, Fitness for Kids, Exercises for Kids
Pee Wee P.E.
Dec 26, 2018 9:04:28 AM / by JumpBunch posted in physical activity kids, Sports for Kids, Physical Education, kids and activity
Another Reason to be Thankful
Nov 30, 2018 11:34:17 AM / by JumpBunch posted in parents, happy kids, Children and Fitness, kids and activity
The Coach
Oct 29, 2018 10:00:10 AM / by JumpBunch posted in coach, teaching, happy kids, Physical Education, Children and Fitness, kids and activity
Taking a second to look up the formal definition of words is a practice that can add a lot of clarity and focus to things. In our classes, we call our instructors "coach". Below are the various ways the dictionary defines that word.
Sports. Smiles. Fitness. Fun!
Aug 20, 2018 9:41:16 AM / by JumpBunch posted in Kid's Fitness, kids activities, kids sports, happy kids, kids and activity
The original tagline for JumpBunch was simply "Sports and Fitness for kids." It was very straightforward and clearly stated what we offered as a product. Those words remained under the logo for about 18 years...yep, we've been jumping for quite a while now! In that time a lot has changed, and one of those things is that there are more and more companies/people out there offering what can be presented as sports and fitness for kids. Yes, that is still exactly what we deliver, however in a crowded world you have to be much more clear if you want to be anything other than one of many voices in a crowd.
Our Hope
Jul 23, 2018 4:41:53 PM / by JumpBunch posted in healthy children, children's activities, Resources for Parents, happy kids, kids and activity
Many, if not most, JumpBunch classes are held in preschools and daycares. This has always created an interesting dynamic in that the person who takes our class isn't the one who pays for it and the person who pays for it is someone we often never even meet. Parents enroll and pay for JumpBunch classes because their kids truly enjoy it, and they see noticeable and measurable progress. Even though we may not hear from parents often, our validation comes from their children staying enrolled. Often, this is for as many as four years until they head off to kindergarten.
Get Moving!
Jun 13, 2018 3:21:16 PM / by JumpBunch posted in healthy children, physical activity kids, parents, Family Fitness, Lifestyle, kids and activity
June 6 was Global Running Day, and many of our franchise locations made a special effort to focus on running in their classes that day. Now we all know that it is not difficult at all to get kids to run. Most will gladly just take off with even an implied invitation! That's the key though for us the invitation. Kids will follow our lead, so it falls to us to be accountable. So Global Running Day was not as much about actually running as it was about simply moving...and setting the example for our kids by doing so.
One Liner.
Apr 30, 2018 8:46:17 AM / by JumpBunch posted in physical activity kids, Resources for Parents, happy kids, Children and Fitness, kids and activity