Bunch Parents Blog

A Child's View...Something To Be Thankful For

Nov 21, 2019 1:20:37 PM / by JumpBunch posted in Family Fitness, Physical Education, kids and activity, Fitness for Kids, Exercises for Kids


Not once in all of the years that JumpBunch has been offering sports and fitness classes for kids has there ever been a case where a child didn't want to play.  They might have been shy at first or otherwise reluctant to "jump" right in, but the desire to do so was certainly there.  Right now, I am thankful that we can look through the eyes of a child and be reminded as adults that play is a natural part of us all, and it is only with age that we start to choose not to make it part of our lives.

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We Call It JumpBunch...

Sep 26, 2018 11:27:19 AM / by JumpBunch posted in Kid's Fitness, happy kids, Family Fitness, Physical Education




Our curriculum director recently created a new tagline quote for her email signature, and it immediately caught my eye.  It simply said, "Adults call it working out.  Kids call it playing.  We call it JumpBunch!"  Now she decorated her JumpBunch with all the various colors from our logo, so it looked way better than my plain old text, but you get the idea.  Those three short statements sum it up perfectly.

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Get Moving!

Jun 13, 2018 3:21:16 PM / by JumpBunch posted in healthy children, physical activity kids, parents, Family Fitness, Lifestyle, kids and activity


June 6 was Global Running Day, and many of our franchise locations made a special effort to focus on running in their classes that day. Now we all know that it is not difficult at all to get kids to run. Most will gladly just take off with even an implied invitation! That's the key though for us adults...giving the invitation. Kids will follow our lead, so it falls to us to be accountable. So Global Running Day was not as much about actually running as it was about simply moving...and setting the example for our kids by doing so.

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Active and Happy!

Jul 10, 2017 3:54:06 PM / by adminJBunch posted in Healthy Kids, healthy children, Resources for Parents, happy kids, Family Fitness


The poster that JumpBunch franchisees place on the walls in schools hosting our classes has the following two words standing out...ACTIVE AND HAPPY!  Of course, we all want nothing more than for kids to be happy and healthy!  Our mission, and the role we play in helping make that happen, is to get kids moving more, introduce them to many fun sports/activities, and teach that being active is a choice that makes your life better.  We like to say "building healthy habits early"!

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Take This to "Heart" in February

Feb 3, 2017 9:29:35 AM / by adminJBunch posted in Healthy Kids, healthy children, active children, parents, exercise, Family Fitness


There's a lot going in February.  Rumor is that there is a pretty big football game (you might even call it Super)  to kick things off.  There is also an important and fun holiday full of candy, flowers, and gifts from the heart.  Speaking of hearts, February is also the month that we are encouraged to consider how well we are taking care of that most important organ in our bodies.

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Some Things Can't Wait for Resolutions

Jan 18, 2017 2:22:56 PM / by adminJBunch posted in parents, active kids, exercise, Family Fitness


Some things simply can't wait for resolutions.  To clarify, we are talking about New Year's resolutions.  That mythical "starting line" that occurs on January 1 each year can be recreated in any month on any day that you choose.  As parents, we all want our kids to be happy and healthy so we try to put them in position to be active through a variety of programs. However, sometimes we fail to realize that while that is good, the best way to motivate our kids to be active is to give them a good example to follow.

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