Bunch Parents Blog

Why We Look Back

Dec 19, 2019 10:53:00 AM / by JumpBunch posted in Kid's Fitness, healthy children, Lifestyle, Fitness for Kids


Think of all the things that have come to an end for you this year, either big or small.  What do we all tend to do once that ending occurs?  We look back.  There are many reasons why we do this, but perhaps the most common is to remind ourselves of what we want the future to look like.  Looking back allows us to reflect on what we want to repeat, improve, or avoid going forward.  2019 is coming to an end in just a few more days.  Amid all the things you might look back on across the past 12 months, we hope that you acknowledge the things you want to repeat or improve on as it relates to your family's physical health.

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A Child's View...Something To Be Thankful For

Nov 21, 2019 1:20:37 PM / by JumpBunch posted in Family Fitness, Physical Education, kids and activity, Fitness for Kids, Exercises for Kids


Not once in all of the years that JumpBunch has been offering sports and fitness classes for kids has there ever been a case where a child didn't want to play.  They might have been shy at first or otherwise reluctant to "jump" right in, but the desire to do so was certainly there.  Right now, I am thankful that we can look through the eyes of a child and be reminded as adults that play is a natural part of us all, and it is only with age that we start to choose not to make it part of our lives.

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