Parents like JumpBunch because one weekly class added to their existing school program provides several important benefits:
JumpBunch is successful because we integrate these benefits into one class easily added to existing daycare, preschool and classroom programs - turn-key added curriculum for teachers with no additional driving for parents or children. For JumpBunch owners, this means a business that offers a unique combination of benefits over other franchise opportunities.
No other franchise does quite what JumpBunch does:
Introduce children to a wide range of sports and activities by bringing classes to existing daycare, preschool and school age programs.
There are other franchises that bring single sports along with everything from computers to dance to art classes to schools. And there are sports and fitness concepts where owners manage sports teams or must maintain a storefront/gym location. Parents and kids get more with JumpBunch. Only JumpBunch offers a written curriculum across three distinct age groups designed to introduce something new each class to keep kids active and engaged!
Exercise and physical activity helps build strong bones and muscles, and it helps kids sleep well at night and stay alert during the day. Healthy habits established early help adolescents maintain healthy weight through the hormonal changes and social influences of adolescence. And it has been proven that active children are more likely to become fit adults. This is critically important as obesity and the many health risks that accompany excessive weight become so prevalent among both adults and children.
It is no secret that kids spend more time every year in front of a TV or computer or a device of some sort. JumpBunch provides a welcome dose of structured physical activity. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) recommends children engage in 60 minutes of physical activity every day. That’s a tall order for today’s busy families. JumpBunch comes to the school, so it’s easily added to existing programs – no greater time commitment, no additional driving. But JumpBunch really works because kids just think its fun; they don’t realize how the carefully crafted activities benefit their development.
JumpBunch ensures that a child’s first sports and fitness experiences are positive, not intimidating. And children’s eyes are opened to the wide range of sports options. JumpBunch kids are more likely to be confident and ready to advance as they join their first organized team, or even as they choose up sides on the playground. They are more willing to try new activities with less fear of failure.
This positive start leads more children to embrace sports as they grow older. As we know, kids who pursue sports, whether casual or competitive, are in turn more likely to remain healthy and physically fit. There is also growing evidence of many other positive impacts of organized sports: from confidence and self-esteem, to a sense of fair play, to a commitment to achieve goals through hard work and practice.