Bunch Parents Blog

Nutrition Matters

Feb 28, 2019 11:04:19 AM / by JumpBunch posted in Healthy Kids, Nutrition, Physical Education


For any active person, eating the right things and avoiding too much of other things is important to have enough energy and to be healthy. With kids, it is just as critical for them to learn this early as it is for them to learn that being active is important...and of course fun!

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Aug 30, 2017 10:39:41 AM / by adminJBunch posted in Healthy Kids, healthy children, Sports for Kids, happy kids, active kids, exercise


The well known phrase "your mission, should you choose to accept it..." is a signature of the popular television show and movie franchise Mission Impossible.  The things they were tasked with accomplishing were truly daunting.  While the mission of JumpBunch does not place our coaches in life and death situations by comparison, we believe that what we hope to accomplish truly matters in a way that can influence the lives of children forever.

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Active and Happy!

Jul 10, 2017 3:54:06 PM / by adminJBunch posted in Healthy Kids, healthy children, Resources for Parents, happy kids, Family Fitness


The poster that JumpBunch franchisees place on the walls in schools hosting our classes has the following two words standing out...ACTIVE AND HAPPY!  Of course, we all want nothing more than for kids to be happy and healthy!  Our mission, and the role we play in helping make that happen, is to get kids moving more, introduce them to many fun sports/activities, and teach that being active is a choice that makes your life better.  We like to say "building healthy habits early"!

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Kids are Kids

Mar 10, 2017 1:45:35 PM / by adminJBunch posted in Healthy Kids, healthy children, physical activity kids, active children, children's activities, Sports for Kids, Activities for Kids, exercise


Recently we had a call with a group from China that were interested in possibly bringing JumpBunch to their country.  During the call they asked a question about how cultural differences might need to be considered when evaluating how the program might work there or in other countries.  Our CEO, Tom Bunchman, began his reply by pointing out something that is so simple yet so powerful.  Kids are kids.  At the core of it all, if we let them, kids all have the same basic needs and desires wherever they may be.

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Take This to "Heart" in February

Feb 3, 2017 9:29:35 AM / by adminJBunch posted in Healthy Kids, healthy children, active children, parents, exercise, Family Fitness


There's a lot going in February.  Rumor is that there is a pretty big football game (you might even call it Super)  to kick things off.  There is also an important and fun holiday full of candy, flowers, and gifts from the heart.  Speaking of hearts, February is also the month that we are encouraged to consider how well we are taking care of that most important organ in our bodies.

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