If you've ever had fun in a class of any kind, I will guarantee you that much of that was because of the leader, teacher, coach, or whatever their title was on that day. It's absolutely true that the fun starts here.
Fun Starts Here
Jun 23, 2017 11:42:56 AM / by adminJBunch posted in franchise, jumpbunch, physical activity kids, active children, Sports for Kids, Activities for Kids, exercise, Press Release
Happy Makes Everything Better
Feb 22, 2016 10:18:42 AM / by adminJBunch posted in franchise satisfaction, Activities for Kids, happy kids, active kids, Physical Education, Press Release
Did you ever stop to notice that when you are happy that everything you do is just better? Of course you didn't...you were too busy just enjoying being happy! That's exactly how it should be.
JumpBunch Supports Special Needs Programs
Oct 30, 2015 2:13:02 PM / by adminJBunch posted in jumpbunch, physical activity kids, active children, Resources for Parents, Press Release
The concept of JumpBunch is pretty simple. We introduce kids to sports and fitness at an early age through a variety of active and fun activities. We are fortunate to have many wonderful host location partners such as daycares and preschools that open the door for this to happen for kids. Unfortunately, this is not a door that is so easily opened for kids with special needs.