Bunch Parents Blog

Is Preschool Sports and Fitness Important?

May 16, 2019 2:09:22 PM / by JumpBunch posted in Resources for Parents, activities for kids, Children and Fitness, Preschool Sports


There is an approach to time management that is measured by how important and urgent something is. 

Essentially, running everything you have to do through a filter for importance allows you to determine where to best apply your time... and what tasks to not do at all.  Still curious how it works? We've identified four "buckets" that can be used as a filter.  

Those same questions can be easily applied to answer the question, "Is preschool sports and fitness important?" 

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Giving Fitness Fun

Dec 7, 2016 11:37:41 AM / by adminJBunch posted in healthy children, active children, parents, Resources for Parents, Activities for Kids, activities for kids


Earlier this year one of our posts discussed the fact that healthy habits start at home. A habit is basically an action repeated often enough to become a routine that occurs without any thought. Unfortunately a habit can also be characterized by inaction though. When you choose not to engage with your kids at home in a way that promotes an active and healthy lifestyle, that lack of activity is as much a bad a habit as doing so is a good one.

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Healthy Habits Are Built At Home

Apr 11, 2016 1:55:45 PM / by adminJBunch posted in healthy children, active children, parents, Sports for Kids, Activities for Kids, active kids, activities for kids, exercise


One of the primary goals of JumpBunch is to introduce kids to healthy habits early and often.  However, the reality is that healthy habits for kids are truly established at home.  While it is true that JumpBunch can sometimes be the impetus to focus on more active things at home, it works best as a reinforcement and connection to what parents and families are already doing to have fun, be active, and live healthy while together.  At the end of the day it really doesn't matter which comes first as long as the end result reflects what our tagline says...Sports. Smiles. Fitness. Fun!

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