Business Insight Blog

The Business of People

Aug 30, 2017 9:15:41 AM / by JumpBunch posted in franchise owner, Franchise Owners, Franchise Success, Franchise Tips, Business Ownership, Buying a Franchise


Before you start a business, it is important to consider the things that will be required to be successful in that business.  This is especially true when the business requires that you interact with people, and it is pretty hard to find any business completely absent of that.  JumpBunch, for instance, is a business where people drive things from every angle, almost like the wheels on a car.  If one tire is low, it affects the performance of the vehicle as a whole.  A blowout of a tire stops you in your tracks.  By carefully considering what has to be done for success, considering if you are able to do it, and realistically asking if you will do it, the road to owning your own business can be one that leads you to where you want to go instead of where you simply end up.

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Making Money

Jun 22, 2017 9:01:27 AM / by JumpBunch posted in Franchise Conference, Franchise Owners, Franchise Success, International Franchise & Business Opportuniti, Business Ownership


People are drawn to business opportunities for a number of reasons.  In JumpBunch, for instance, we obviously get many who are interested simply because it is an opportunity to work with kids.  That passion can be a great fuel to propel you towards the possibility of doing something that you love and making a difference.  It can't be the only fuel though.  Any successful business has to make money.  It doesn't necessarily have to be six or seven figure money, but it does have to be enough on the profit side, however you individually may define that.

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Ask Yourself What if?

Dec 7, 2016 3:39:29 PM / by JumpBunch posted in franchise discovery day, Franchise Owners, Franchise Tips, Lifestyle, Business Ownership, Buying a Franchise


Though you may or may not actually say the words "what if?", everyone occasionally wonders about some of the countless decisions you didn't make.  I'm not talking about the less significant ones like "What if I had worn that blue shirt yesterday?' or "What if I had ordered a latte instead of a cappuccino?".  No, in the grand scheme of things those likely didn't throw you too far in one direction or another.  Now, some other ones such as "What if I had gotten to work on time?" or "What if I had asked someone else out instead of her?" might have had a much greater impact.  Nevertheless, it is human nature to pause at certain times to think "What if?".

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Franchisee Profile: Jil Anderson of Columbus, Ohio

Apr 11, 2016 11:40:22 AM / by JumpBunch posted in Franchise, franchise owner, Franchise Owners, Franchise Satisfaction Rating, Franchise Success, Business Ownership, Buying a Franchise


Franchise Business Review recently featured Jil Anderson in a JumpBunch franchisee spotlight interview for their website.  In many ways she is the embodiment of what makes a successful JumpBunch owner.  She did her research, knew what she was looking for, and then committed herself to following the established system her chosen franchise had in place.  As Jil has grown more successful as a franchise owner, her level of giving back to the system has only increased.  This high level of engagement benefits her fellow franchisees, but it also keeps her focused on the fact that you are never too experienced to learn from your peers.  Along with the established practices and procedures, the group dynamic and opportunities for peer to peer interaction are invaluable parts of the franchise experience.

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JumpBunch Supports Special Needs Programs

Oct 29, 2015 11:02:59 AM / by JumpBunch posted in Franchise, Franchise Owners, Children and Fitness, JumpBunch News, kids and activity


The concept of JumpBunch is pretty simple.  We introduce kids to sports and fitness at an early age through a variety of active and fun activities.  We are fortunate to have many wonderful host location partners such as daycares and preschools that open the door for this to happen for kids.  Unfortunately, this is not a door that is so easily opened for kids with special needs.

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Franchise Owner Story: Damon Hopkins

May 8, 2015 9:59:56 AM / by JumpBunch posted in Franchise Owners, Damon Hopkins


One of most appealing parts of purchasing a JumpBunch franchise is the opportunity to make a living while also helping kids and parents. No one appreciates that more than Damon Hopkins, a JumpBunch franchise owner in Smyrna, Delaware.

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The Best Kept Secret in Franchise Success

Mar 25, 2015 10:46:49 AM / by JumpBunch posted in franchise owner, Franchise Owners, Franchise Tips, Franchise Group


When you’re looking for the perfect franchise to get your entrepreneurial dreams started, there are a few key things to look for. Most people know that they need to find a franchise with a solid business model, with plenty of room for growth and support for the corporate team once you buy into the business. But one important factor that very few people consider is the type of owner network they might be a part of if they buy a franchise.

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Northern Virginia Franchise Owner Story: Henry Torres

Mar 13, 2015 11:35:54 AM / by JumpBunch posted in Franchise Owners


At JumpBunch we don’t have one set type of Franchise owner. Our franchisees come from all sorts of backgrounds and have different talents, experiences, and skill levels. The beauty of the system is that they can bring their unique perspective to a proven business model and create their own successful business. Take for example, JumpBunch’s youngest franchise owner, Henry Torres.

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Maryland Franchise Owner Story: Sue Goldberg

Jul 22, 2014 3:34:56 PM / by JumpBunch posted in jumpbunch, franchise owner, Franchise Owners, franchise stories


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