Franchise Business Review recently featured Jil Anderson in a JumpBunch franchisee spotlight interview for their website. In many ways she is the embodiment of what makes a successful JumpBunch owner. She did her research, knew what she was looking for, and then committed herself to following the established system her chosen franchise had in place. As Jil has grown more successful as a franchise owner, her level of giving back to the system has only increased. This high level of engagement benefits her fellow franchisees, but it also keeps her focused on the fact that you are never too experienced to learn from your peers. Along with the established practices and procedures, the group dynamic and opportunities for peer to peer interaction are invaluable parts of the franchise experience.
Franchisee Profile: Jil Anderson of Columbus, Ohio
Apr 11, 2016 11:40:22 AM / by JumpBunch posted in Franchise, franchise owner, Franchise Owners, Franchise Satisfaction Rating, Franchise Success, Business Ownership, Buying a Franchise
Do What You Love...Love What You Do!
Mar 17, 2016 3:20:37 PM / by JumpBunch posted in Franchise Satisfaction Rating, Franchise Success, Franchise Tips, Lifestyle, Business Ownership, Buying a Franchise
JumpBunch Ranks in Top 50 Franchise Satisfaction Rating For the 10th Year
Feb 26, 2015 1:20:36 PM / by JumpBunch posted in Uncategorized, Franchise, Franchise for Kids, Franchise Satisfaction Rating
We’re proud to announce that JumpBunch has earned a spot in Franchise Business Review’s (FBR) Top 50 Franchise Satisfaction Rating for the 10th Year in a row. JumpBunch CEO Tom Bunchman said, “We are so proud to have earned our place in the Top 50. Having ranked for ten years in a row is a big accomplishment for our team as it speaks to the positive work we’re doing to support our franchise owners. It’s also a testament to how happy our franchisees are with all aspects of their business.”