Business Insight Blog

JumpBunch Is Excitement Every Week For Kids

Dec 17, 2015 5:21:21 PM / by JumpBunch

We are right in the middle of the holiday season, and there is no doubt that kids get excited about the surprises and fun that come along with this time of year.  While JumpBunch franchise owners don't wrap up each week's activity in colorful paper and bows, they deliver that same excitement of giving something new each time they walk through the doors with their bags of equipment.  Parents love to see their kids excited and happy, and that is part of what makes JumpBunch such an appealing program.  You can bet that happy parents and excited kids are things school directors definitely want to see!

Take a minute to listen to Tracy St.John, JumpBunch owner in Columbus, Georgia, talk about the excitement factor our program brings.

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Topics: Children's Franchise, Franchise for Kids, franchise stories, Children and Fitness, kids and activity


Written by JumpBunch

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